The Trials of the Forest

Important Reminder: When executing the game, please be sure to click the game window to put it into focus. If this is not done, the game will not run as will freeze the window. 



The game is recommended to be played on full screen. Rendered in 1920 x 1080 but can be scaled up and down. (Play Game -> Redirected (automatic) -> Full Screen Icon (⛶)

[W] Forwards [A] Strafe Left [S] Backwards [D] Backwards [E] Interact [ ___ ] Jump [lctrl] Crouch [lshift] Sprint. To slide, hold any directional button (WASD), Sprint with [lshift], and hold Crouch [lctrl]. To perform a wall run, run towards a wall while sprinting with [lshift]; you will run on the wall automatically (remember not all walls can be run on). Mouse to look around in a 360-degree vision. Additional mechanics include wall running. Feel free to explore the environment to feel comfortable with such abilities. Different environment pieces will change gameplay respectively. 

[ESC] allows you to pause the game. Pausing using [ESC] may require you to click it twice on 

Additional Information

The game is nowhere perfect. Due to time restrictions, visual and mechanical-based glitches or instabilities exist such as texture flashing, light inconsistencies, and post-processing. We hope to improve upon such issues in the future. Performance optimizations should come in the future. 

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